18th Dec, 2020
Never again will we worry and fret about rehearsals for the Festive Songs or Carol Service as moving online proved much more difficult than any of us predicted. Mrs McMichael coordinated both events and planned out the filming and rehearsals meticulously.
Most songs were produced in one take and the boys performed brilliantly. Nothing will replace being able to be at these concerts and seeing the enjoyment and excitement of the boys in the Festive Songs or the talents and musicality of the Ks2 boys in their Carol Service. Both events really define the start of Christmas for all of us at Inchmarlo and we hope that by watching these videos it replicates to some degree the same feelings this year. I would like to thank all the music teachers for their contribution to these events, the boys for their high levels of performance and also to Gareth McGreevy for his video editing and patience.
A huge thanks to all who have donated so far to our Christmas Charity Appeal for the South Belfast Foodbank, The Samaritans ( Belfast ) and the Cedar Foundation. We will leave the online payment through ParentMail open throughout Christmas and are also happy to accept monetary donations to the office in a sealed envelope.
Happy Christmas and here’s to a new start in 2021.
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